Life Coaching originated in the USA in the last decade and is now a recognised method of receiving professional mentoring, in both business and personal areas of life.
A Life Coach works one to one with a client, over an extended period of time (usually one hour per week for three months). The sessions can take place face to face, over the phone, or by email. The coach will help the client to set and achieve goals, provide encouragement and feedback and assist them to discover new ways of tackling situations.
Life Coaches assist people in all areas of life, where there is a desire to unlock potential and achieve new goals. They may be business goals or personal ones, such as improving a relationship. The idea being that the goals will become more achievable with the help of a professional mentor who can help with motivation and focus.
Many people who do not feel comfortable seeing a Counsellor, may find a Life Coach helpful to provide the necessary direction that they initially require for making changes in their lives.
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