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Psychotherapy is a treatment offered for behavioural and mental health issues. The common goal is to increase awareness or “insight” into behaviours that may be harmful or destructive physically and/or emotionally. The Psychotherapist works with an individual to unravel the root of the problem being experienced. As an expert in human feelings, the Psychotherapist will listen, analyse and impart their knowledge to help the client face up to deep rooted behaviour patterns that no longer serve them, so that the client can move on with their life and become “unstuck”. In some cases listening devises are used to break old patterns such as the Biofeedback Technique, or Psychological Testing can be used, and in extreme cases medication is prescribed. Mostly however Psychotherapy is purely creating change by talking through problems and issues.

Anxiety, depression, learning difficulties, and relationship communication problems are within the realms of treatment offered. A qualified Psychotherapist works across a wide spectrum of mental health issues and may be required to work with more serious cases of mental illness such as Psychosis or Schizophrenia.

Types of Psychotherapy include:
  • Behaviour Therapy
  • Children and Adolescents (sometimes known as “Educational Psychology”)
  • Couples (“Relationship Counselling”)
  • Group Psychotherapy and support groups (for example a “quit smoking” support group)

A series of sessions is recommended in Psychotherapy (around 20 usually) to give time for the therapist to work on the client’s resistance to change. By seeing through the treatment there is more likelihood of lasting results. The client should however always be consenting to the treatment, feel comfortable around their therapist, and feel that they can stop visits to their therapist at their discretion.


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