Natural Fertility Management (NFM) is a method of managing fertility, in order to avoid or achieve pregnancy. Through training, women learn to understand their fertility cycles through observing body signs, such as cervical mucus and basal body temperature and combining this knowledge with their personal biorhythmic lunar cycles. This enables them to be aware of when they are fertile and allows them more control of their reproductive life.
NFM used correctly, has an approximately 97% success rate for contraception and is suitable for all women, whether or not their cycles are regular and at any stage of their fertile life. It is safe, reliable and body-friendly.
The other aspect of this method, is to do with preconception care and overcoming fertility problems through natural therapies. Infertile couples are counselled with regard to changes in diet, the use of supplements, stress relief methods and necessary changes in lifestyle, such as the avoidance of hot spas for men with low sperm count. NFM teachers may use a wide variety of modalities, including Herbalism, Naturopathy and Homeopathy, in order to assist women to achieve pregnancy.
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