Herbal Medicine is still the first choice in many cultures, being successfully used for thousands of years. Every culture has its own style of Herbalism, such as Indian Ayurvedic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Herbalists prepare unique treatments, after consultations with clients that will include discussions about lifestyle, medical history and nutrition. Western Herbalists use only whole plants or plant parts in their preparations but other modalities such as TCM, can also include animal or mineral products. Clients may be treated through the use of teas, capsules and tablets, extracts and tinctures, essential oils (Aromatherapy) and various other herbal preparations.
Herbs contain a large number of naturally occurring chemicals that have biological activity and compounds from plants that are used to produce reliable pharmaceutical drugs. Herbalism does however support holistic treatment, with prevention of disease being as important as the treatment of a particular illness. Another benefit of choosing herbal medicines is that a profound transformation in health can be achieved, without the danger of the inherent side effects common in drug-based medication.
Conditions which may benefit by herbal medicines, include a wide range of minor ailments such as:
Skin rashes and so forth.
Other conditions that respond well to herbal remedies are:
Hypertension and allergies.
An initial consultation with a western Herbalist, will take from 1 to 1 ½ hours and several follow up sessions are usually required. Herbal products are an important part of health care but self prescription is not advisable, as even the safest herb can interact with other medications. A consultation with a professional Herbalist is recommended.
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