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Trigger points, also known as myofascial trigger points, are areas of hyperirritability in the soft tissue structure. These can be acute sources of pain or latent, unnoticed by the client until pressure is applied by the practitioner. Trigger points are manifested as small contraction knots in the muscles, that control the state of contraction and active ones may cause muscle spasm and referred pain.
Treatment consists of physical therapy, manipulation and stretching. A firm digital pressure is applied by the practitioner, who is able to locate the specific points causing pain and restricted movement and these may often be located in places different to where the client actually feels the pain.
Trigger Point Therapy is sometimes incorporated with Sports Massage and the client is usually unclothed for the treatment, which may not include the use of oil. Other factors such as nutrition, stress and chronic illness are also considered, as potential contributors towards the problem. Conditions that will benefit from this modality include:
Sports Injuries Chronic
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Neck and Jaw Pain
Stress and Fatigue
This therapy is also known as:
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