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4 Things You Should Tell Your Natural TherapistYou’ve booked an appointment to see an acupuncturist, naturopath, massage therapist or another practitioner. But what things should you tell your natural therapist?
Benefits of Baby MassageBaby massage is the perfect way to help you to bond with your new baby and also help to stimulate their physical and emotional growth, as well as stimulating their awareness through the sense of touch.
Check out These Massage Oil RecipesThere's a wide range of massage oil blends available that offer a wide range of results, it can be a worthwhile and fulfilling experience to mix your own.
CryotherapyCryotherapy simply means the use of cold as a therapy. When a person is injured, the most common response by the body is pain or muscle spasms.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)Have you ever exercised and found that you have been sore for days afterwards? It’s actually not an injury but a common phenomenon known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
Depression and MassageMassage therapy is one of the oldest treatments in the book when it comes to treating depression.
DysmenorrhoeaMany women suffer from menstrual cramps just before and during their menstrual period, a condition known as ‘dysmenorrhoea’.
Eczema TreatmentsEczema is also known as atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis, and infantile eczema. However, while it is an uncomfortable condition, there are some natural therapies that can help.
Essential OilsEssential oils are most commonly associated with aromatherapy and they have a wide range of benefits, from the physical to the emotional. We’ve put together an essential guide on what you need to know.
FibromyalgiaDo you often hurt all over and feel exhausted? If you’ve been to the doctor and they haven’t been able to find anything specifically wrong with you then it’s possible that you are suffering from fibromyalgia. If this is the case, then you do ...
HeadachesEveryone suffers from a headache at some point in their lives but there is no need to turn straight to drugs to get rid of the pain. Medication is not an optimal treatment choice as it just masks the symptoms, rather than addressing the cause of the...
How Your Body Benefits from MassageMassage is becoming one of the most well known, well understood and popular complementary therapies today, and for good reason. Due to the range of techniques and styles available in massage, you'd be astounded at just how good massage is for you.
Massage and Mental HealthMassage therapy has been used for centuries to help individuals overcome many meantl health issues.
Massage and Motor Neurone DiseaseWhilst complimentary therapies such as massage are far from curing Motor Neurone Disease, they may help alleviate some of its symptoms and overall improve the person’s quality of life.
Massage and OsteoporosisMassage is a natural treatment used to relieve the symptoms and pain associated with a range of ailments and conditions, including osteoporosis.
Massage as Preventative MedicineMassage as Preventative Medicine
Massage for AddictionMassage can be helpful in the withdrawal, detoxification, and abstinence stages of quitting an addiction.
Massage for AllergiesMassage therapy may relieve many symptoms of allergies, as well as create feelings of relaxation and good health.
Massage for EczemaMassage is used to treat a range of ailments and conditions, including eczema.
Massage for HeadachesMassage is the ideal complementary therapy that has been shown to decrease headache severity and frequency.
Massage for Pain ReliefMassage has many benefits but one of the main ones is its ability to help you relieve and manage your pain. Read on for more information.
Massage for Postnatal DepressionAn increasing amount of scientific evidence has shown that when a new mother experiences postnatal depression, the infant feels it on both psychological and physiological levels, and the developing relationship between them suffers as a result.
Massage for SeniorsMassage therapy for seniors, commonly referred to as geriatric massage, is increasingly becoming popular along with the rise in number of ageing baby boomers.
Massage for Stress and AnxietyMassage is an effective method of relieving stress and anxiety, and is renowned for its therapeutic effects.
Massage for StrokeRecent scientific studies have shown that when massaged, stroke patients experienced increased mobility, decreased pain, decreased depression and as a result used less medication.
Massage TablesMassage tables are an essential part of most massage practices. But how do you know if you have the table that is right for you? Read on for our guide.
Massage to Treat Colds and FluMassage is being recommended as a treatment for colds and flu, after being recognised for millennia as a healing tool for the body.
Miri Miri MassageMiri Miri or Makoha - meaning natural gift - is the traditional holistic healing tradition or massage technique of the Maori, the indigenous people of Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Musculoskeletal TherapyModern medicine has taught us to reach for a pill to treat almost any health condition such as fever, cough, colds, pain and headaches. Oftentimes, pharmaceutical drugs merely treat the symptoms without doing much to eliminate the cause of the proble...
Natural Allergy TreatmentsMany people seek allergy relief with the help of natural therapies that function by reducing the severity of specific allergy symptoms.
Natural Back Pain TreatmentsThere are many non-invasive natural treatments to help with back pain. Read on for more.
Natural Eczema TreatmentsNatural treatments for eczema are part of a general trend toward holistic solutions for health, with people increasingly aware of the side effects that often accompany conventional medication.
Natural Headache TreatmentsWhilst modern medicine has come along way, more and more people are turning to alternative natural therapies to help alleviate headaches.
Natural Treatments for AddictionThere are many complementary therapies that may be used in conjunction with traditional medical treatment to relieve symptoms of addiction withdrawal.
Natural Treatments for OsteoporosisA range of natural treatments or medicines offer hope for osteoporosis sufferers.
Natural Treatments for Stress and AnxietyThere are many natural treatments for stress and anxiety. Read on to find the right one for you.
Pet MassagePet massage, otherwise known as Myofunctional therapy, benefits event the healthiest of pets, enhancing their performance and improving their overall well being and vitality.
Post Surgery MassageGetting post surgery massage will help you feel better, stimulate healing, reduce pain, and it can even help to reduce the appearance of scars.
The Goal of Massage TherapyThere is more to massage than simply performing a routine of mechanical movements on the body
What Does Stress Create In Your BodyStress is a normal part of life that usually comes from everyday experiences and may elicit a bodily response that is physical, mental or emotional. Your body is equipped with an internal mechanism to deal with stress. When you are faced with a stres...