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Advantages Of Infrared SaunasUsing Infrared heaters, these saunas emit radiant heat which is absorbed directly into the body, whereas traditional saunas transmit heat indirectly via steam.
Back Pain and PhysiotherapyPhysiotherapists are trained to help you relieve your back pain. Find out more info.
CryotherapyCryotherapy simply means the use of cold as a therapy. When a person is injured, the most common response by the body is pain or muscle spasms.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)Have you ever exercised and found that you have been sore for days afterwards? It’s actually not an injury but a common phenomenon known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
DepressionDepression is a mental state that is characterized by low moods, and feelings of sadness, despair or discouragement. Depression that is long lasting is known as clinical depression.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and ReprocessingEMDR was developed by Dr Francine Shapiro in 1987, and is a type of psychotherapy. But what exactly is EMDR and how may it help you? Read on for more information.
Is It Time To See A Therapist?Therapy carries a social stigma as a treatment method only for mentally ill persons. This way of thinking has prevented many who are experiencing personal and emotional problems from seeking professional help to manage their issues.
Natural Depression TreatmentsThere are many natural depression treatments which can assist with managing depression.
Self DevelopmentSelf development is simply undertaking techniques to help you unlock your potential – to be the best that you can be. You learn to stop letting negative thoughts and emotions hold you back in your life and you become free to live a life where you ...
Tennis ElbowTennis elbow is a common injury but, despite the name, it is not just caused by playing tennis. It can be caused by any repetitive action of the arm and can be defined as a form of tendonitis. However, you don’t have to rely on medications to man...
What Is Physiotherapy?Everyone can benefit from physiotherapy at some point in their lives. Whilst it is a well know fact that physiotherapists treat injuries.