Should You Study Hypnotherapy?
Have you been thinking about retraining as a hypnotherapist? If so, your first step is to find a qualification that ticks all the boxes. But if you’re still pondering if you should study hypnotherapy, our handy guide aims to answer all your questions.
What is hypnotherapy?
Clinical hypnotherapy combines hypnosis with psychological treatment. According to the Australian Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy, hypnosis is “a mental state induced by a procedure known as a “hypnotic induction”. Once this state has been attained, it renders the client open to a higher state of suggestibility.”
When a person enters a hypnotic state, it’s believed their consciousness splits in two: one stream tunes in to the therapist’s hypnotic suggestion, while the other processes information outside of conscious awareness.
That’s why many people have used hypnotherapy to break bad habits, overcome unhealthy thought patterns, improve their mental health, overcome phobias or trauma, and heal other issues in their lives.
So why might you want to study hypnotherapy?
1. You like helping people
Imagine going to work every day, knowing you could have a direct impact on the lives of your patients. That’s what a career in clinical hypnotherapy could offer.
And once you’re trained in hypnotherapy, you can use it to help your loved ones who might otherwise be unable to access treatment.
2. Hypnotherapy is backed up by science
It’s unfortunate people still think of hypnosis as a silly technique depicted in movies to make people cluck like a chicken. Because clinical hypnotherapy has been shown to work for a range of ailments and issues.
Numerous Australian studies show it can relieve Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), which can be very difficult to treat. And a
Dutch study found 68% of children who had six sessions of medical hypnotherapy over three months were still well after more than four years (compared to just 20% of participants given standard medical treatment).
Other studies have found it can help people
quit smoking,
relieve pain (even more effectively than other psychological treatments), and
lose weight.
3. You want work-life balance
As a hypnotherapist, you’ll be free to work when, where and how you like. It’s a flexible career option that fits in around your other commitments, hobbies and family, providing a work-life balance that’s hard to find in other fields.
Ready to explore your study options? You can check out
hypnotherapy courses here.
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