Have You Ever Thought of Studying Nutritional Medicine
Nutritional medicine is the relationship between health and food. The role of a nutritionist is to provide advice on matters relating to food and how it impacts health. ‘Nutritionists may design, coordinate, implement and evaluate a range of population health interventions to improve the wellbeing of individuals, communities and the population as a whole, through better food and nutrition’, says the Nutrition Society of Australia Inc. (NSA
http://nsa.asn.au/). Nutritionists may work in research, food technology or health promotion, as nutrition consultants, or media spokespeople. The Nutrition Society of Australia emphasizes that nutritionists are not qualified to provide medical advice or medical nutrition therapy. This is the role of the dietitians.
What types of roles do nutritionists work in?
Nutritionists have expertise in a range of services that are related to nutrition. These include public health nutrition, community health and tertiary education related to nutrition. Nutritionists may design, coordinate, implement and evaluate a range of population health interventions to improve the wellbeing of individuals, communities and the population as a whole, through better food and nutrition.
Nutritionists may also work in a number of other roles including research, nutrition consultants and advisors, public health and health promotion officers, community development officers, quality and nutrition coordinators, food technologists, media spokespeople and more. Nutritionists also provide nutrition support to individuals and groups.
Thinking of becoming a nutritionist?
Should you choose to become a nutritionist, there are a range of areas you can get into including sports nutrition. A nutritionist will usually have completed a certificate (or higher) qualification in any number of fields. You can either receive a Bachelor of Nutrition or a Diploma of Nutrition.
The main role of a nutritionist is to help people achieve optimal health by providing information and advice about health and food and lifestyle choices. Nutritionist will often prescribe natural therapy remedies to support health.
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