Fitness Goals
Every person should have fitness goals regardless of one’s current weight and state of health. While choosing the right kinds of foods is crucial to your health, your body needs regular physical activity to strengthen itself.
You don’t have to be overweight to get into a physical fitness routine. Your fitness goal will depend on your body’s present condition and special needs. The following are some of the fitness goals that most people have:
Weight loss
Among all the fitness goals there are, losing fat or shedding excess weight appears to be the most popular. With fast-food diets and sedentary lifestyles, the average waistline these days is much larger than it was a decade ago. More children are being diagnosed as obese, while older people suffer from weight-related health conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. While obesity is a disease in itself, it also increases your risk of developing other serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension. For others, being overweight also contributes to health problems like a sluggish digestive system, fluid retention, osteoarthritis, sleep disorders, gallbladder disease and pregnancy complications. Weight loss through proper diet and
exercise helps lower your risk for developing disease and improves your physical appearance. To lose excess weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat. By doing exercises that burn 500 calories everyday without increasing your daily calorie intake, you may lose up to 2 kilograms per month.
Gaining muscle
Anyone can benefit from developing stronger muscles. Strong muscles boost your metabolism as your body needs to burn more calories to sustain your muscles even when your body is at rest. If you are underweight, you may also be advised to gain more muscle instead of adding fat. Women who are underweight may suffer from anemia, weak immune system, osteoporosis, decreased muscle strength, lethargy and trouble regulating body temperature. Resistance training using weights or other apparatus strengthens muscles, increases energy levels, helps fight infections and improves general appearance. A regular routine using weights, an elastic band or exercise ball done for 20 to 30 minutes a day and 2 to 3 times a week is enough to start gaining muscle.
Weight maintenance
Physical fitness has been associated with excess weight gain so much that most people presume that those who exercise regularly are trying to lose weight or have health problems. You need not be fat or unhealthy to start a physical fitness routine. A nutritious diet and regular physical activity help prevent weight gain and fight disease or infections. Some medical conditions such as osteoporosis and diabetes are irreversible but these may be prevented by maintaining your ideal weight and by exercising your body. Keeping a healthy weight also delays the signs of ageing. There’s no need to enroll in a gym or exercise class to stay physically fit. Brisk walking, running and swimming are good exercises, while indoors at home you can follow a video for dancing, aerobic exercises, kickboxing, stretching and many other physical activities to help maintain a healthy and attractive body. Make it a habit to work up a sweat 20 minutes each day, at least 3 times a week.
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