Can fruit and veg combat cataracts
Here at ntpages HQ, we love to publish new research about the benefits of eating more fruit and veg. And now here’s another awesome reason to chow down – it could lower your risk of losing your eyesight due to cataracts.
While it’s true that our genes have a role to play in our predisposition to cataracts, what we eat is emerging as a major influence too.
The study, from King’s College London and published in Ophthalmology journal, tracked 1000 pairs of women twins in the UK.
It was discovered that women with a high-vitamin C intake who also ate around two portions of fresh fruit and two portions of fresh veg each day, had a 20 percent lower risk of cataracts, compared to people whose diets were less nutrient-rich. That’s a pretty staggering finding!
A decade on, and the ‘healthier’ women now had a 33 percent lower risk of their cataracts getting worse, than those who scrimped on their vitamin C intake.
As the New York Times reported, “The researchers concluded that genetic factors account for about 35 percent of the difference in cataract progression, while environmental factors like diet account for 65 percent.”
So cataracts aren’t all about genes; our diet does play a major role in the development and growth of cataracts.
Author Dr Christopher Hammond said, “We found no beneficial effect from supplements, only from the vitamin C in the diet. This probably means that it is not just vitamin C but everything about a healthy diet that is good for us and good for aging.”
Need more vitamin C in your diet? It’s not only oranges, but also broccoli, kiwi fruit, and those beloved dark leafy green vegetables that will keep your intake on track. A nutritionist, dietician, or naturopath can also help you tweak your diet to include more vitamin C-rich foods – as well as more fresh fruits and vegetables.
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