Brain Foods for Children
Your child’s brain is continuously developing, therefore providing your child with the right nutrients is essential. Embarking on a path to good health early on, can encourage good eating habits and also inspire your child to make healthy food choices later on in their life.
What do we know about brain foods for children?
Many nutritionists are understanding the link between healthy foods and healthy brains. The nutritional powerhouses that are healthy foods support the growth of a healthy brain. Healthy food can support greater concentration for your child so that they can focus better not only in the classroom, but on the playground too.
Drew Ramsey MD conveys ‘the young years are critical for brain development and what they eat affects focus and cognitive skills’.
One of the most important meals of the day is breakfast. This especially rings true when it comes to your child. Numerous research has shown that your child’s will better be able to function and will also have a greater attention span during the day if they eat a healthy and nutritious breakfast.1
You’ve been told time and time again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is especially true when it comes to your child’s developing brain. In fact, numerous studies have shown that your child will function better and will have a greater attention span if they eat a nutritious breakfast. 1
The following is a list of health foods that are deemed brain healthy:
- Iron rich foods: foods that are rich in iron and zinc are important for growth and muscle development. They are found in meat, fish, chicken, beans, legumes and tofu. Iron is one of the essential minerals that is involved in development and learning;
- Colourful vegetables: the vegetables with a deep and rich colour are the ones with the highest amount of antioxidants. These nutrients support brain health and keep the brain cells strong;
- Fish: this food is an exceptional source of the omega 3 fatty acids which are important for brain growth and development;
- Healthy Fats: this comprises of foods such as coconut oil, fish, and avocado. The brain is made up of 60% fat. It is therefore important for your child’s developing brain to consume healthy fats daily.
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Children’s Health