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Meditation for Stress and Anxiety


Meditation has long been practised to alleviate stress and anxiety, and is noted for its calming effect. A distraction is often what is needed to combat the nervous muscular tension that builds up in our bodies over time. There is also the mental element to consider, as stress and anxiety often lead to mental exhaustion.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a discipline that utilises controlled breathing and mental focus or visualisation techniques to bring about deep and profound relaxation.  These are typically undertaken in a relaxed pose in a quiet location, and will be more effective if undertaken on a regular basis.  Posture is essential to effective meditation, and though there are a range of recommended positions, being comfortable is more important. There are a number of different types or styles of meditation, including:

  • Mantra – some people find chanting a simple mantra helps them to focus
  • Breath – concentrating on every inhalation and exhalation
  • Empty mind – mental clearing or mindfulness
  • Walking – focus on every motion and step taken, including the sensations experienced; and
  • Spiritual – some people may treat meditation as a form of prayer

Follow these steps to help you begin a simple form of meditation:

  1. A typical meditation pose is for the client to be lying or sitting comfortably
  2. If sitting the spine should be erect and the shoulders relaxed
  3. Each breath taken should be deep and come from the lower abdomen or stomach
  4. The entire focus of your mind should be on each breath you take
  5. A session can last as little as 15 minutes, and should be undertaken regularly 

The benefits of meditation include:

  • Physical and mental stress relief
  • Pain management
  • Improved posture
  • Reduction in blood pressure
  • Mental resilience
  • Relief from depression; and
  • Improved sleep patterns 

Stress and Anxiety

A certain amount of stress and anxiety is part of day to day life, and only becomes a problem when there are excess levels of tension in the body.  If you are having trouble sleeping, are constantly restless and sometime hyperventilate, you may be suffering from the early onset of stress or anxiety.  If this is sustained over time your health may suffer negatively, with the potential for heart disease, hypertension and gastrointestinal disorders to develop. 

How can Meditation Help Stress and Anxiety?

Due to the calming effect of meditation, stress and anxiety are usually the primary conditions treated by the discipline.

Find out about other effective natural treatments for stress and anxiety.


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