I often don't know how I am going to treat your ailment until you walk in my door. The reason for this is that our problems may be the same but the causes are specific from person to person. Many physical problems may have an emotional side as well that needs to be addressed to stop the problem recurring. Together we work to find the cause of your problem. When you start telling me how the injury/ problem started this helps to give me the information I need to know where to start working. I work to release the tensions and emotions that have held this in place and caused pain and discomfort. I muscle test which methods I need to use for your specific ailment. Even if you may have had the problem for years your body is very good at repairing itself once it is shown how.
SERVICES NutriPuncture
This modality is new to New Zealand but has been used in France for 25 years with remarkable results. I have recently included this into my clinic. It is an interesting method that merges Eastern and Western medicine creating an interesting and remarkable technic. Nutri places the correct nutrients needed for each organ/meridian/emotion to the specific area which has created the problem in the first place. Through muscle/pulse testing your body is happy to show us where the problems lie and the treatment needed. Similar to Accupunture but using nutrients rather than needles.
Contact Care
Releases tension from the body so that everything can go back to neutral. Tension holds our body in a state that causes us to move and hold ourselves in an unnatural state. This puts the body under a lot of strain and as pain is the only way our body can tell us it needs help that is what we get. This uses gentle movements that allows your body to correct itself with no pain and release the tension that has been held in the body. This treatment can be used for any pain or discomfort you have. Especially helpful for any muscular or bone problems releasing the pain you feel very quickly. Many clients are feeling great results before the end of the session.
Touch 4 Health
This helps us to assess which muscles are not balanced or working properly, emotional problems and many other problems. This is a hard modality to describe as there are so many ways to use this to help find out how best to treat a problem. It allows your body to give the answers to what is going wrong and what methods are best used to balance the problem.
Allergy Testing
There are many problems that are caused by food. Stomach/Bowel problems, Sinus problems, Skin upsets, etc can all be caused by intolerances, I test you to see which foods cause the problem. Often it is best to avoid these foods until we have found the reason why they are causing these problems. Once we know the organs that are being effected we can look at ways to eliminate the allergy/intolerance and give you back your health
Bach Flowers
These work in the same way as Rescue remedy, except that they are made up especially for you and target the emotions that are getting in the way of and stopping you from having a happy and contented life. These remedies help us to control our thoughts therefore eliminating the feelings of depression. Excellent for children going through any kind of stress ie: exams, bullying, etc The only side-effects you can get from these are positive ones.
I use whichever modalities I feel you need at the time. You are always told what I am doing and why. Questions are always welcome. If you go to my web-site you can read some of the testimonies that may relate to your problem or you may ring me and discuss what I do or how I would treat problems specific to you.
Contact C.A.R.E
Touch 4 Health Kinesiology
Allergy Testing y(non-invasive)
Allergy Remedies
Bach Flowers
Tibetan Energy
Reiki 1 & 2
Service Categories
Allergy Testing / Treatments, Energy Healing, Flower Essences, Kinesiology, Mens Health, Reiki, Spiritual Healing, Weight Loss, Womens Health