The physio philosophy of harmonising life energy in body, mind and soul.
About Jin Shin Jyutsu
Ancient art form Jin Shin Jyutsu is a physio-philosophy of harmonising the life energy in the body. In the early 1900’s, Japanese Master Jiro Murai revived the art, by clearing himself of a life threatening illness. By 1950, he had drawn knowledge and resources from his studies in the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Things), and handed this to Mary Burmeister - who took it to the United States. Since then the art of ‘happiness, longevity and benevolence’ is taught, practiced and esteemed by thousands worldwide.
Philosophy Jin Shin Jyutsu brings balance to the body’s energies, to promote optimal health and well being plus facilitates our own profound healing capacity. It’s unique teaching lies in the concept that Jin Shin Jyutsu employs 26 safety Energy Locks along energy pathways to feed ‘life’ into our bodies. Any two of these acupressure points, gently touched in individual combination, relate to the release of various physical symptoms as well as mental, emotional and spiritual conditions we are able to balance for ourselves and others.
Benefits Jin Shin Jyutsu is subtle but powerful. It is used to relax the body, increase energy and reduce stress and pain in our daily lives. It blends beautifully with other medical and natural therapies. Short and long-term health projects can be harmonised; for example back and hip problems, headaches, insomnia, high and low blood pressure, weakness of immune system, menopause, PMT, breathing difficulties, depressions or weight imbalances. As it is a very gentle therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu is liked by all ages - including babies and children.
Treatment Each treatment is a unique and unrepeatable experience. The practitioner is led in individual directions for each client using the following steps: 1. Reading the energy pulses of the wrists 2. Watching the client’s physical expressions 3. Noting specific symptoms of the body. A treatment lasts between 60-90 minutes, which includes personal consultation in self-help. This means you never leave empty - your energy is revived and you are taught how to replenish yourself at home!
Unlock Energy Energy is stored in our body - the vessel. Sometimes the vessel is blocked or empty. In Jin Shin Jyutsu, every Safety Energy Lock has a number related to it, as in numerology and a spiritual meaning. Cosmic energy or the natural life force moves from point to point and gains clarification of issues and symptoms adopted by the individual safety lock. The word ‘adopted’ implies there is no real need to carry on in pain or imbalance. When we allow change to take place in ourselves, the healing process can be manifested.
About Adriane Beate
Adriane Beate von Strauch: formalised her relationship with this healing art in Europe in 1991. Born in Germany and established in music, art, dance and film, Beate grew interested in holistic studies at a young age - starting with Rajayoga and Aromatology.
Practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu allows her to integrate the philosophy with Bodywork, Psychology and Spirituality. After pioneering the art in New Zealand, she works as a JSJ Practitioner, Intuitive Coach and JSJ Self-Help Instructor in Auckland and Sydney, and as a guest tutor nationally and internationally. Adriane Beate is a foundation president of the New Zealand Association of Jin Shin Jyutsu.
She practices from her studio in Mairangi Bay.
Email for an appointment or for more information: Adriane Beate von Strauch
Adriane Beate von Strauch:
Cert. Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner
Cert. Instructor for JSJ Self Help
Therapeutic and Aromatherapy Massage
NLP Practitioner
Australian Bush Flower Essences
Dip. Arts Administration
Energy Psychology
Oneness Blessing (TM) Facilitator
Service Categories
Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Flower Essences, Womens Health