SERVICES Trish Foster
Naturopathy - Wellness through Natural Herbs and Remedies and sensible advice to improve ones lifestyle, including Herbal Remedies for Wellness
Accupressure for relief of neck, head and shoulder pain, breathing and coughing ailments, indigestion and nausea. May improve circulation, great for cramps and much more.
Polarity - energy balncing to keep body working in tune -promotes deep relaxation and revitalization by balancing the body's energy -
Reflexology - gentle foot massage that can benefit all the organs of the body - relaxes tension, improves blood supply by promoting tension relief and may unbock nerve impulses and can be beneficial on over or underactive glands to retain homeostasis - the body to work in unison with itself.
Diet and nutritional advice to improve ones lifestyle
Bach Flowers including rescue remedy and bach remedies for sleep, to ease fear, help with convalescence - fatigue and other remedies
Massage Therapist
For relief of muscle pain, shoulder pain, sciatic pain, back pain,
stress and pregnancy massage
By appointment only
027 226 4169
QUALIFICATION DETAILS Diploma in Therapeutic Massage - Lotus Holistic Centre
Diploma in Naturopathy and Herbal Remedies - Lotus Hlistic Centre
Certificate in Iridology, Certificate in Reflexology
Service Categories
Acupressure, Allergy Testing / Treatments, Deep Tissue Massage, Herbalists, Iridologists, Mens Health, Myofascial Release Therapy, Naturopaths, Nutrition, Reflexology, Remedial Massage, Sports Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Womens Health