Aquarian Healing
Welcome to AquaesseMarj Marks is a Practitioner in NZ First Light Flower Essences, Aquarian Healing and is a Homeobotanical Therapist, working to assist healing for both people and animals in a practical and holistic way. Nature and the New Zealand First Light Flower Essences are an integral part of her life and work as a healer. Working intuitively with the "wairua" or spirit of her client, Marj also incorporates hands on/off healing in some of her sessions.
About Marj
Marj grew up with a natural affinity for animals and nature. Her early morning walks as a child in the dewcovered gardens of the family home were the beginnings of what has become her passion - healing with nature's powerful sacred plant medicine, the NZ First Light Flower Essences. As humanity moves into the 21st century of the Aquarian Age, each person is required to become self-responsible, to intelligently integrate information and technology, working with the earth and each other in a harmonious and co-operative manner. This has become a personal goal of Marj, herself.
Marj has brought up two children and a number of animals. In order to pursue the healing practice, animal "household" numbers have been kept to a minimum. While bringing up her son and daughter, Marj attended Unitec and worked in the community for some years as a Family Support Worker for Barnardos. This was a priviledged position walking alongside people in their home environment while they navigated life's twists and turns and personal challenges.
Working in veterinary practices enabled Marj to observe the strong connections between people and their animals. About half of her clients are people and the other half animals, although many of the people come for reasons not related to animals. A consultation time typically lasts half to one hour, be it face to face, or over the phone. In this relationship , Marj sees herself as an important part of the triangle with the person/animal and the healing energy of Spirit/Universe/Nature. This relationship exists to assist the client to heal themselves.
Marj is based on the North Shore of Auckland.
Service Categories
Animal Therapy, Energy Healing, Flower Essences