Welcome to Clinic of Natural TherapeuticsBach Flowers
Practitioner for the past 28 years.
I work part time as a natural therapist and about 25 hours per week as a Regional Councillor for Environment Bay of Plenty.
The majority of my practise is around body work.I use Spironicks a form of Hypotonix.Blocks (wegges) to reposition the pelvis.Massage,ortho=bionomy,Bowen and resistance teckniques and articulatory to correct the anatomy.Some Cranial-Sacral methods as well.
To complement my body work i prescribe celloids,homoeopathics,liquid herbal formulas,which i concoct and additional supplements.
Most of my patients come by word of mouth as i have not advertised for the past 7 years.
Service Categories
Bowen Therapy, Flower Essences, Homoeopaths, Iridologists, Naturopaths, Swedish Relaxation Massage