About Craniosacral Clinic & Institute of New Zealand
Welcome and congratulations on envisaging a career or further education in the Cranial field.
The Craniosacral approach to healing is attractive to many people because it is rooted in a deep recognition of Self. It touches us profoundly through its gentleness and powerfully transforming effect.
The world is undergoing a wellness revolution and Craniosacral Therapy is shining a very unique and bright light on the natural or complementary approach to health.
About The Craniosacral Clinic
The Craniosacral Clinic (previously Health from Within) is specialised in advanced Craniosacral Therapy and located in Westmere Auckland, 3 minutes from the busy heart of Ponsonby.
It is a professional clinic dedicated to helping adults, pregnant women, children and newborns achieve optimal health and well-being through the skillful use of Advanced Craniosacral Therapy (CST) and Kinesiology.
Craniosacral Therapy is effective in a very wide range of problems associated with pain and dysfunction. See the list and benefits here.
Craniosacral Therapy is a non-manipulative therapy . The results tend to be durable as the cause is addressed rather than the symptoms. Its scope is profound as it touches us through its gentleness and powerfully transforming effect.
Bookings are available from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Weekend appointments can be arranged. For directions you will find a map here . Parking is easy around the clinic. Call us to arrange an appointment on our free number 0508 CRANIO (0508 272 646) Alternatively for calls from mobile use (09) 3760 963.
Note: Please turn off your mobile when entering the clinic.
How does Craniosacral Therapy work?
Craniosacral Therapy works by helping the body's natural healing mechanisms dissipate the negative effects of stress on the central nervous system.
This is accomplished through utilising a physiological body system called the craniosacral system, which maintains the environment in which the central nervous system functions. It consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord, extending from the bones of the skull, face and mouth (which make up the cranium) down to the tailbone area (or sacrum). The role of this system in the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord is so vital that an imbalance or dysfunction in it can cause sensory, motor and/or neurological disabilities.
Like the pulse of the cardiovascular system, the craniosacral system has a rhythm that can be felt throughout the body. Using a touch generally no heavier than the weight of a nickel, skilled practitioners can monitor this rhythm at key body points to pinpoint the source of an obstruction or stress. Once a source has been determined, they can assist the natural movement of the fluid and related soft tissue to help the body self-correct. This simple action is often all it takes to remove a restriction.
Overview of the two-year Diploma in Craniosacral Biodynamics
The Craniosacral Institute offers an accredited two-year professional diploma in Craniosacral Biodynamics taught by Ged Sumner. Ged is part of a leading team of craniosacral world experts inspired by Franklyn Sills and other pioneers of the field.
Successful completion of the Diploma curriculum leads to a professional qualification in Craniosacral Therapy that will be recognised in New Zealand by PACT (the Pacific Association of Craniosacral Therapists; Pact is a member of the NZ Health Charter).
The goal for a practitioner is to develop perceptual and relational skills which allow the body to express Health, even in the most acute lesions and pathologies.
Supervision, feedback and course handouts are provided throughout the course. Students are assessed in a continuous fashion and are required to produce homework assignments and to undertake practice sessions between seminars. . Informal as well as formal tutor assessments occur throughout the course. All efforts that will lead to professional standards of clinical practice.
There are no pre-requisites for this course. The professional Diploma course is open to anyone with an interest in the cranial field. Practitioners of orthodox and complementary medicine and therapy are very welcome. Although not compulsory, it is strongly suggested to complete an 80 hour course in Anatomy & Physiology at some stage either before, during or after the Training.
The 2-year training comprises 45 contact days divided in 9 seminars of 5 days each. With the student required clinical practice, study and self-assement it will equates to around 700 hours of study over a period of 2 years.
Craniosacral Biodynamics supports the deepest expression of being human. A universal principle called the Breath of Life is perceived to be the organising principle and warrant of the cohesion of the human system.
In this concept, a life force called potency is generated by the Breath of Life that maintains and integrates all life functions within the human system.
Students will learn to become receptive and perceive this intrinsic Health and the subtle tidal motions that it generates.
Service Categories
Craniosacral Therapy, Kinesiology