Wholistic Therapy incorporates and develops on other disciplines while providing some unique perspectives and methods
Wholistic Therapy embodies about 40 years of counselling experience and both my own and others healing journeys.
Wholistic Therapy incorporates and develops on other disciplines while providing some unique perspectives and methods.
It is a rapid and safe method of therapy developed by Ray Dunlop over about 40 years of counselling practice. While initially developed to address trauma issues it works well for all life challenges from life coaching to serious mental health issues.
Before we have an ego our experience is that of unity. It is all one and wonderful. We need to loose this before we gain any conciousness of other and self. Wellbeing is being grounded in the concious awareness of our original pre-ego experience of the unity of all being while acknowledging our unique individual body and purpose in service of the whole.
When we develop a sense of self and other we are left with an emotional legacy which determines our personality. The enneagram which is an ancient Sufi tool teaches that individuation is built on a sensate legacy of anger, rejection or fear. This becomes the foundation of our unique personality. Identifying and resolving this core issue is the gateway to health and wellbeing. Relativising our ego and grounding us in wholeness.
Much therapy is cognitive and neglects the fact that we are sentient beings long before we conciously think. Using metaphor regression helps us process affect without sophisticated common language, rather we can name and represent our own experience as a metaphor. Regression takes us to where that affect became part of our stored experience and allows us the opportunity to explore continuing to hold it or let it go.
For more information or to see how we can help you contact us today!!
Service Categories
Counselling, Life Coaching, Spiritual Healing