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Yoga for Healing

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Contact NameNick WIlson
AddressMount Eden
North Island 1024
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About Yoga for Healing Yoga for Healing is a simple and safe tool to improve and promote, develop and maintain overall health and well being inclusive of; flexibility, strength, structural alignment, proper functioning of various body systems and mental steadiness. Yoga for Healing are Auckland based. It is designed for ordinary people leading normal lives. We also specialise in the therapeutic application of yoga for any condition or situation as an adjunctive tool to any other care or treatment a person maybe receiving, not as a replacement. Yoga for Healing teaches people how to improve their breathing habits while gently stretching and exercising the body, promoting a situation where deep relaxation happens naturally, giving people a sense of taking an active role in their own health, in a safe, non-competitive context.
Yoga Therapy The primary aim of yoga therapy is to assist in the healing process, in combination with any other treatment not as a replacement. The goal is to provide each person with a yoga that is right for them. Below are some explanations which may assist you in taking that first step towards yoga for healing.
Yoga Ethics A yoga practice is essentially a movement into wellbeing. For the establishment of this process and the immediate experience of wellbeing it is crucial to maintain and encourage the flow of energy (prana) within the system. The postures and movements (asana) lay the foundation for specific breathing exercises (pranayama). This in turn helps clarify and calm the mental/emotional system. Too much exertion in asana will disturb and disrupt the practice of pranayama. Over-extending in pranayama will similarly create disturbance. Yoga practice as understood here is not the attainment of difficult and unusual bodily positions or complicated extended feats of breathing. Rather, it is a uniquely individual experience of wellbeing open to all people in all situations. Fundamental to this process is the notion of adapting the yoga to the individual. This was the primary teaching of Prof. T Krishnamacharya.
The Teacher Nick Wilson has been involved in the yoga process for over thirty years. His approach to yoga practice is based on the life's work of Prof T Krishnamacharya (1888-1989) who is widely regarded as the "father of modern yoga". He was the teacher of BKS Iyengar as a young man (1930s) who is now the most well known yoga teacher internationally. Also he taught Patthabi Jois as a teenager who is now famous for his "Astanga yoga". A woman named Indra Devi was amongst the first western students (late 1930s) who subsequently brought yoga practice to America. T Krishnamacharya's influence is felt throughout the yoga world albeit at times unknowingly.
Yoga Classes Corporate, private sessions and private group classes by arrangement. Promoting strength, flexibility, structural alignment, proper functioning of body systems, mental steadiness Physically the focus is generally on the spine, looking to compensate for the effects of that time and gravity have on the spines natural curvatures. It is important to note that all exercises, stretches and movements are within normal expected range of motion perameters. Problems often arise in yoga practice when adults attempt exaggerated bodily positions, that are really only appropriate for children, with the idea that some special benefit can be gained by working through the pain and achieving some idealized physical form. Technically speaking if an injury occurs whilst exercising it wasn't yoga, the spirit of yoga is … the reduction of suffering on every level. It is regularity and consistency that really give the results. The aim is to have the most efficient, effective, enjoyable routine that gives the maximum result for the minimum input.

Service Categories
Breathwork, Hatha Yoga, Life Coaching, Meditation, Nutrition, Sound Therapy, Weight Loss, Yoga

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